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Hi, y'all! 

I've traveled the world learning how to offer the best music education possible, and I'm here to share it with you.
Go big or go home, am I right?

  • I know what it's like to be last chair in 6th grade band.

  • I know what it's like to have no idea which type of private flute teacher to work with.

  • I know what it's like to be incredibly nervous for auditions and playing for others.



How do I know? 


Because I've lived it.

Ready for my story? 
(You may want to grab a snack.)

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I began taking piano lessons when I was 8 years old. I LOVED going to piano lessons and always had a special bond with my private lessons teachers. When middle school band came along, I decided to add the flute to my musical life. I. WAS. TERRIBLE. Last chair. My parents enrolled me in lessons at the local music store with a saxophonist who also played a bit of flute. Before long, I was in that first chair, participated in all the honor bands, youth wind ensembles, and was considering majoring in music in college.


Fast forward to college. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, so I declared music education as my major because I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do in music. 4 years later, I had a degree in music education and didn’t know what to do with myself. I attempted auditioning for grad schools and was completely devastated when I didn’t get into a single program. I was getting in my own way with performance anxiety and didn't know how to deal with my nerves. (Now I do, and I'm going to show you.)



I ended up teaching elementary general music for a year. This is where I really learned how to teach and when I began understanding how little humans think. After one year and about 200 cans of Lysol, I decided that while I like kids, I don’t like kids in massive quantities, and I missed playing.


I went back to school. I floundered around and tried to figure out what I wanted. 


Finally, it hit me: FLUTE PROFESSOR. 


It was everything I wanted. A little teaching, a little playing, a little research, summers off, steady income, health insurance. I was always an excellent student and loved school, so it seemed only natural.


My now husband and I began shopping for doctorate programs. University of Washington was the winner! My now husband was thrilled. He loved Seattle and strongly encouraged me (“can we PLEASE go to Seattle?? Pretty, pretty please?”) to apply.

We began the trek across the country from Atlanta to Seattle with stops at famous historical sites. What's up, Georgie?

I LOVED the doctorate program and the flute studio. I did a lot of things during school. Started a trio, tutored athletes in their non major music courses, worked at the music library, started my second private flute studio, won competitions, didn’t win competitions, figured out to how build websites, co-founded FLUTISSIMO, was a theory TA, gave tons of masterclasses and workshops nationally, participated in international competitions. Oh, and got married.

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While in Seattle, I was exposed to some KILLER private flute teachers. They had 12 year old students who played better that I did at age 20. They knew theory, history, were competing in competitions, and loved it. 

I was in awe that private lesson studios could be like that. So, I tried it on for size.

I was basically teaching everything I would be teaching in a college flute studio in my own studio with kids. I wasn’t sure if it would work or not…



I had the students performing more recitals in one year than I did in my undergrad. They played for guest artists, went on field trips, performed in competitions. They THRIVED.


I combined all of my super duper flute knowledge that I learned over the years into an easily digestible format for kids. They may only be 12 years old, but they're playing like some college students and LOVING IT! 


From my own experiences as a youngster as well as everything I've learned on my crazy journey, my focus now is completely on changing the status quo of what private music lessons can look like. 


And now, I want to share everything I've learned with YOU. 
(And thanks for reading my story.)

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Ready to join our flock of flutists?

Click here to contact me

"Ok, that's all great, but what are your creds?"
No worries! Here's my fancy musician bio:

Dr. Katherine Emeneth is an enthusiastic performer, collaborator, clinician, pedagogue, and teacher with a passion for education.

Katherine Emeneth’s expertise and enthusiasm for rigorous flute pedagogy balances with a style that is engaging and encompassing the whole person. She is the owner of the Georgia Flute Academy where she specializes in pre-college flute education in northeast Georgia. In her studio, she creates individualized curriculum, organizes studio events that range from guest artist masterclasses to student recitals at local retirement homes, prepares students for local and national flute competitions, designs unique project-based learning for music history, theory, and listening, and provides learning enrichment through other various activities including field trips and a summer camp. She is in demand as a clinician, adjudicator, and speaker at various middle, high schools, and colleges throughout the southeast and beyond.

Additionally, Katherine Emeneth is the creator of the first ever online course for private studio music teachers called the Music Teacher’s Playbook. In an effort to educate musicians about creating a sustainable career in the arts by teaching privately, she shares her business knowledge, pedagogical ideas, and digital media expertise in this class specifically designed to help music educators forge a unique and successful career.

Katherine Emeneth’s professional performances include both solo and ensemble appearances with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra, Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra, Seattle Collaborative Orchestra, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra, Washington-Idaho Symphony Orchestra, Gwinnett Ballet Orchestra, Puget Sound Symphony, University of Washington Baroque Orchestra, Conservatorio d’Alessandria Chamber Orchestra, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra, and the Bay View Music Festival Orchestra. In 2015 she competed in the Gheorghe Dima International Music Competition in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. As one of two Americans selected for the finals of this competition, she competed with some of the world’s top flutists. She has also been a finalist or prize winner in the Atlanta Flute Club’s Young Artist Competition, the Philadelphia Flute Society’s Young Artist Competition, the Byron Hester Young Artist Competition, and the Domey/Gillespie Young Artist Competition.

As an avid chamber musician, Katherine Emeneth is a co-founder of a chamber ensemble called The Kitchen Sync. This ensemble focuses on the hybrid arts and cross-discipline collaborations, specifically chamber music and storytelling, science, world cultures, and technology. The ensemble presents concerts capturing a variety of musical styles from Bach to Hip Hop and incorporates local storytellers, digital artists, opera singers, and scientists. A strong emphasis of the Kitchen Sync’s mission is to bring unique musical and educational performances to the community.

In addition to being the Program Director of the SSMF Flute Academy, Katherine Emeneth is a co-founder of the Flutissimo! Summer Flute Workshop at the University of Georgia. Katherine has presented workshops at the National Flute Association, Kentucky Flute Festival, Seattle Flute Society, and at colleges and universities. Her workshops on the “The Entrepreneurial Flutist” are the most sought after. She currently serves at the Membership Committee Chair of the National Flute Association and was recently elected as the Assistant Secretary of the Executive Committee.

Katherine Emeneth has served on the faculty of the University of Washington. She currently teaches at Georgia Gwinnett College where she was the recipient of the 2017 Outstanding Teaching Award. Katherine Emeneth holds degrees from the University of Georgia and the University of Washington. She lives in Sugar Hill, Georgia with her husband and Old English Sheepdog, Barney. 

OH! My Assistant...


Barney Emeneth is a 8.5 year Old English Sheepdog. Originally from Los Angeles, Barney was raised in Seattle and now resides in Sugar Hill, Georgia.


His favorite food is cheese. #1 is Parmesan, #2 is cream cheese, and #3 is feta.


He has really thick hair (like a sheep), so his parents keep him in a nice, cool short haircut. He loves going to the groomer and is often the "receptionist/greeter." 


When he's not napping on the cold flute cave floor, he can be found snoozing and snoring away in a bathtub.


During flute lessons, he assists his mom by greeting the students and parents at the door, sitting on flute moms and dads on the couch, demanding constant rubbing, and howling whenever a duet is played in the key of C Major. He often brings his favorite rubber chicken, Earl, to the flute cave in hopes someone will play with him.


His dream is to ride around in a golf cart all day. His parents don't understand his fascination with golf carts, but maybe one day this mystery will be solved.

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